Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Fruit of the Spirit: Love & Peace

Last week we started a series on the Fruit of the Spirit and we began with some foundational work. In order to understand the importance of the Fruit of the Spirit, we need to understand and grasp on to what Jesus has done for us. Last week, we looked at Jesus and the main points are:
  • Jesus came to set us free
  • He endured the cross for us, so we would be made right with God the Father
  • we can't earn salvation, it is a gift from God
  • we need to accept that gift
  • character - out of the outpouring of the heart speaks the mouth. Matt. 12:34
This is the setting for this week as we continue to talk on character. We are talking about Love & Peace. They are big topics, but I look forward to exploring them with you.

See you at the Hub, Wed. @7:30


Monday, September 20, 2010

Bible Study - Fruit of the Spirit

Hey there Everybody, we are going to be having a Bible Study this week.

the bible study is going to be on the 'fruit of the spirit'. Focusing on why do we need
the spirit in our lives.

So youth starts at 7:30 PM, Wednesday the 22rd.

It is going to be a great evening and we look forward to seeing you there and studying together.


Thursday, September 2, 2010

Youth Kick-off

Hey there Everybody I hope that you all had an awesome summer hanging out with family and friends and maybe even having the chance to take a family vacation.

So isn't it exciting, SCHOOL is starting again and with that youth is starting again.

so our Senior-Youth kick-off is going to be on September 15th. It is going to be awesome.

Meet: 7 PM @ the hub
Finish: 9:30 PM

looking forward to seeing you all there.