Monday, March 25, 2013

Steinbach Aquatic Center

Hey there everyone, I hope that you are having a great day!! This week we are going to the Steinbach aquatic centre and will be spending the evening in the pool. We will also be stopping @ Dairy Queen afterward.  So here are the details that you need to know:

We want to leave by 5:30 PM so be a little early!!
Cost is $10 – this includes your pool pass and gas for the bus but you may want to bring extra money for Dairy Queen afterward.
Pick up will be 11PM ish. The ish means this is an approximate and we could be back slightly earlier or later.
No bikini’s or speedo’s please and t-shirts are not allowed in the pool.

Sweet see you on Wednesday!!

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Bible Study

Hey there everyone, I hope that you are having a great 

day!! So this Wednesday (yes tomorrow) we are going to be 

having a bible study and continuing in Lent series. Topic: 

"circumstance - walking with those who are dealing with 

things that are out of their control" Also, offering for Obed, 

and music with Da Band! Look forward to seeing you there!!

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Bible Study

This week we are going to be having a bible study and will be continuing our series on ‘walking with hurting people’. The topic is tragedy and how do we walk with people who are going through loss. DA BAND will also be playing, I look forward to seeing  you all there!!