I want to wish you all a merry Christmas, enjoy the holidays
and time with family and friends. Just a reminder that there will be no youth
till after Christmas.
Tuesday, December 16, 2014
Wednesday, December 10, 2014
Christmas party - tonight
Theme: Famous Duo/Group
Dress up as your favorite duo/group, games, prizes, food.
Dress up as your favorite duo/group, games, prizes, food.
for example of famous pairs it could look like this:
- Elsa & Anna, Bob & Larry
- Teenage mutant ninja turtles, back street
- If someone doesn't have a group or pair -
dress up like ketchup and bring bottle of mustard, or Dorothy and bring stuffed
dog for Toto, etc.
Wednesday, November 12, 2014
Movie/Candy Potluck
Remember, Movie/Candy Potluck tonight! Always a good time!!!
Bring a bag of your favorite candy to share. See you tonight. Always a good
time to bring a friend.
Wednesday, October 29, 2014
No Youth Tonight
Reminder, no formal youth tonight because of the retreat
happening this weekend. There will be nothing @ the hub tonight. But Limitless is putting on an amazing event tonight
@ Miller @ 7:30 PM. Jordan St. Cyr is there and Ryan Rempel will be there. So go
to high school instead for the Limitless event.
Tuesday, October 21, 2014
Mall Hunt
Heading to St. Vital Mall in Winnipeg for our annual Mall Hunt. Try to find the leaders dressed up while shopping! Leaving the Hub at 5:15 p.m.! Bring $5 for fuel and $$ for food/shopping. Back around 10 p.m.
Tuesday, October 7, 2014
Food Drive
For youth this week we will be doing the food
drive. Meet at the Hub at 6:30 p.m. Dress for the outdoors! We will end our
evening at the Bergthaler Church for snacks, etc...so if you need to be picked
up, get picked up there.
Tuesday, September 30, 2014
Bible Study
Our first large group bible study of the year! Riley will be sharing on the connection between our belief and our daily life. Music with Da Band, snacks, small groups, FUN! **Cheese fundraiser orders for the youth retreat are due that evening.**
Monday, September 29, 2014
Remember to be selling cheese to bring down your youth retreat costs. If you need a form let me know. Bring your fundraising forms and money on Wednesday.
Wednesday, September 24, 2014
small groups
Youth this week we are having small groups. Meet @ the hub
unless your leader has arranged something else with your group. 7 PM Tonight!!
Tuesday, September 16, 2014
hangout/sharing night
An evening with the whole group. There will be games, music and Sharing about your summer, how God is working in your life, something that you've learned... Also a short devo and worshiping together. Snacks available. Bring a friend!
Youth Retreat
Youth Retreat!!! YAY!!!
Date: Oct. 31 - Nov. 2
Cost: $115
Speaker: Danny McKay
Location: Camp Arnes
Registration forms available @ the church and will be available @ youth.
Date: Oct. 31 - Nov. 2
Cost: $115
Speaker: Danny McKay
Location: Camp Arnes
Registration forms available @ the church and will be available @ youth.
Tuesday, September 9, 2014
Hey there everybody, Senior youth is back!!! We are having our kick-off this week. Playing Minute to Win It games around town. Meet at the Hub at 7 p.m. Can't wait to see you there!!
Thursday, June 5, 2014
So this week is our last youth event before the summer and
it is going to be awesome!!!! MUDFEST, here we come!!! We are going to get
muddy and it is going to be awesome! Meet @ the Hub @ 6:30 and we will be
heading to the Mud hole and will be back around 9:30 PM. Bring a clothes that
you don’t mind getting all dirty/muddy, also bring a change of clothes (underwear,
socks, shirt, pants, etc.). There will be a fire afterward and snack.
Reminder, best dressed up/costumes will get a great prizes
so go and invade MCC!!
Also if you are curious as to where we will be going for
mudfest, we will be going to Tim & Lisa Klassen’s place.
Wednesday, June 4, 2014
Bible Study
Last Bible Study of the year, Henry Abrams will be
speaking, Da Band will be playing, there is going to be some games and it is
going to be an epic evening!!! See you tonight @ 7 PM. Bring a friend
Tuesday, May 27, 2014
Concert in Park
So tomorrow, you will be in the park @ the park stage. There
is going to be an awesome praise band, and all the youth groups in town will be
there!!! 7 PM @ the park stage. Bring a lawn chair or blanket, also bring your
St. Laurent forms in.
Wednesday, May 14, 2014
Games in the Park
We are still on for today!!! Meet in the park and we are going to have an awesome time!!! 7 PM and there will be a fire @ the end!!!
Tuesday, April 15, 2014
Concert of Prayer
Meet at the EMMC for a Concert of Prayer, Worship and Communion. It is going to be awesome and I look forward to seeing you there. Starts at 7 p.m. Open to everyone and anyone. Note that youth is on Thursday this week.
Tuesday, April 8, 2014
Bible Study
We are going to be having a bible study tomorrow. DA BAND will be playing and will be talking about the cross - I think it is going to be great and I look forward to seeing you there. 7 PM @ the hub.
Tuesday, April 1, 2014
Swimming @ Steinbach Aquatic Center
Swimming at the Steinbach Aquatic Centre during Spring Break! Leaving the Hub at 5:30 p.m. and back around 11ish p.m. Bring $10 for swimming & transportation, quarters for the lockers, $$ for DQ afterwards. NO bikini's please. Any type of cotton shirt over a swimsuit is not allowed at this pool. Spandex/athletic shirts are okay to wear. Bring a change of clothes and a bag for your wet stuff. Don't forget your towel!! :)
Tuesday, March 25, 2014
Bible Study
We are having a Bible Study this week, DA BAND will be playing and we will be finishing our study on growing deeper. We have been studying the different practices that help us to grow deeper!!! I look forward to studying together, see you tomorrow. 7 PM @ the Hub.
Friday, March 21, 2014
Acuna Mexico
Reminder, if you are interested in the Mexico trip to get
your applications in. Also respond to this email letting me know that you are
interested in coming. Also if your parents are having questions there will be a
meeting at the EMM Church @ 10:45 on Sunday in Pastor Frank Friesen’s office.
Tuesday, March 18, 2014
Hey there Everyone, just a reminder about youth tomorrow. We
are going to be at the SouthPark MB Church which is located a block or so south
of the WC Miller high school. SBC is sending a music team, and it is going to
be awesome!!! Notice the time change, we will be going from 6 PM – 8 PM. I look
forward to seeing you there.
Mission Trip applications, if you have them done please
bring them to me tomorrow. I will be granting an extension on the dateline for
forms and so if you have any questions please feel free to ask and I have
attached the application in case you needed one.
Also this is to your parents, so pass on the message. I will
be holding a parents meeting in regards to mission trip (A question and answer)
on Sunday @ the EMM Church in pastor Franks office @ 10:45 AM.
Sunday, March 16, 2014
Acuna Mexico Mission trip
I have been talking at youth about the Acuna Mexico trip that we will be embarking on this summer and I just wanted to put some info on the blog as well. We will be leaving on a bus July 10 and coming back on the 23, we will be staying in a guarded compound and will be doing VBS, and sports related ministry. The cool thing about this YUGO (yugo.org) is there emphasize on partnering with the local church who does all the follow up after we leave. It is going to be an amazing time for our youth and youth leaders to grow as serve the people of Mexico. We will be doing some fundraising to cover the costs and we look forward to every-bodies support. If you need more info, call Kellin or email or just stop in for a visit. If you need an application, send Kellin an email, kellin@emmc.altona.mb.ca.
Tuesday, March 11, 2014
Bible Study
Hey there everyone, I hope that you are having a great day!!! We will be having a bible study this week. DA BAND will be playing and we will be continuing our series on growing deeper. It is going to be great and I really look forward to seeing you all on Wednesday @ 7 PM.
Tuesday, March 4, 2014
Crokinole Tournament
Hey there everyone, it is time for the annual crokinole tournament this week. It is going to be AWESOME!!!! You get matched with a senior and try to win the illusive crokinole trophy. 7 PM @ the EMM Church basement, come a little early. SEE YOU WEDNESDAY!!! Bring Crokinole boards if you have.
Wednesday, February 19, 2014
Bible Study
We are having a Bible Study this week, topic:
Worship (led by Derrick Penner - woot woot!!) Music with Da Band, offering for Obed our
sponsor child (please give!!), snacks, good times... :). See you tonight
it is going to be awesome!!!
Tuesday, February 11, 2014
Bible Study
We are continuing our series on 'growing deeper' and will be talking on FASTING!!! DA BAND will be playing, there will be small groups and studying the Bible. Look forward to seeing you Wednesday @ 7 PM.
Wednesday, February 5, 2014
Meet at the Nature Pond hill for tobogganing. Prizes for best homemade sleds!! Snacks and hot chocolate will be available too. 7 PM, it is going to be awesome!!!
Tuesday, January 28, 2014
Bible Study
We are having a Bible Study this week, DA BAND is going to be playing, we are going to be continuing in our series 'Growing Deeper' and we will be talking about 'Prayer'. See you tomorrow @ 7 @ the Hub.
Tuesday, January 21, 2014
Bible Study
We are having a Bible Study this week, DA BAND is going to be playing, we are going to be starting a new series 'Growing Deeper' and we will be talking about 'loving God's Word'. See you tomorrow @ 7 @ the Hub.
Tuesday, January 7, 2014
No Youth
So there will be NO youth this week, rather senior youth
will be starting up on January 15. See you then!!! J
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